There’s more to a Foutala than meets the eye, each one tells a story…
Foutala was home-grown by Manda in 2012 connecting her love for world travel, photography and amazing towels!
“Our mission is to convert the world to the brilliance of these versatile towels and banish big cumbersome beach towels forever!”
Foutala ‘bright, light & striped’ 100% cotton multi-use towels are absorbent, quick drying, compact and lightweight. Used for travel, boating, beach, festivals, watersports, gym, pool and home.
The Story of a bliss-seeker, beach loving traveller…Foutala believes everyone has a story worth telling, and would love to share those unique paths you have all chosen to make.
“Travelling is about the people you meet, the adventures you can suddenly find yourself on with complete strangers who can become friends for life.
I have been lucky to experience many adventures starting with my parents aged 7. We flew to Corfu without a hotel booking! We landed, headed towards a beach and ended up on the side of a mountain in a Taverna where no English was spoken. There was lots of music, dancing, nodding and smiling, mountain goatsand plate smashing.
By naming each towel after a place I have fallen in love with, lived, worked, fallen in love literally (and out again!), we can share the passion for these places.”
Each towel has a story behind it, and are inspired by beaches and waterside places worldwide. The colours on the towels sometimes represent the colours in the area – the sand, sea, sky, the coastline, or sometimes it’s the vibe or mood of a place.
Foutala will be at all kind of shows across most parts of the UK & Europe. And with even more planned for the summer of 2019 the story of the Foutala will continue to grow…
What's Next?
We want to create a colourful and diverse range that leaves people feeling refreshed and in touch with the earth. We are madly in love with the sea & travelling, and we want you to be too!
Where will you take your Foutala…? #notjustatowel